2 Apr 2012

How to recover from a Truecrypt header crash

Recently, my truecrypt volume, in which I stored my audit reports and my beloved scripts I wrote to perform these audits, had an issue, that is, when trying to mount it, I got the following error message :

$ truecrypt -k "" --protect-hidden=no work.tc workDir
Enter password for work.tc: 
Error: mount: /dev/mapper/truecrypt1: can't read superblock

I do not understand what exactly happened ; maybe unmout was not done properly ? But this is not what this post is about...

As you might know, truecrypt is able to restore headers from a backup located inside the truecrypt volume or from an external backup created with --backup-headers parameters (which, of course I did not create):
$ truecrypt -k "" --protect-hidden=no --restore-headers work.tc workDir
Please select the type of volume header backup you want to use:

1) Restore the volume header from the backup embedded in the volume
2) Restore the volume header from an external backup file


Unfortunately, truecrypt was not able to recover at this point.

I googled around, but did not find anything to fix it ; so this is my solution:

First of all, uncipher the truecrypt volume without mounting it:
$ truecrypt -k "" --protect-hidden=no --filesystem=none work.tc
Enter password for work.tc: 
$ ls /dev/mapper/truecrypt1 

The truecrypt volume is now unciphered in the device /dev/mapper/truecrypt1.

Then, foremost does a great job at recovering pdf and doc files :
$ foremost -T -t pdf -t doc -t docx /dev/mapper/truecrypt1

Afer a while, output_### directory contains three subdirectories ( docx, doc and pdf) that contain some recovered files. Of course, having the filesystem broken, file name are mangled.

As I mentionned previously, I put a lot of scripts (mostly Python) in this truecrypt container, and I really wanted to recover them.
A tough job would be to strings the unciphered container and to grep to find interesting files.

Having a look at foremost man pages, it appeared that it is possible to define file header and footer. Fortunately, all my Python scripts start with
#!/usr/bin/env python
Then, it is easy to create a custom configuration file and execute foremost over the truecrypt unciphered volume:
$ cat > foremost.python.conf
py     y       20000   #!/usr/bin/env        #!/usr/bin/env        ASCII
$ foremost -t py -c foremost.python.conf -T /dev/mapper/truecrypt1

Eventually, the output_###/py contains a set of recovered python source files. Of course, some cleaning has to be done to remove garbage code, to split merged files and eventually to rename files, but it saved days of work !

Have phun !